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Minutes - August 15, 2007 Approved
August 15, 2007

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, August 15 2007 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Herbert, Ms. Bellin, Mr. Hart, Mr. Desrocher and Ms. Diozzi.

155 Washington Street

In continuation of a prior meeting, David Steinburg and Alex Schnip of RCG and Attorney Bill Quinn presented an application for Waiver of the Demolition Delay Ordinance to demolish two of the four structures.  

Mr. Schnip stated that there was a site visit held on August 4th.

Ms. Guy noted that the demolition received a unanimous vote of approval from the Salem Redevelopment Authority and the decision included conditions that:
·       If the proposed redevelopment has not received building permits within four months of the demolition, the site shall be leveled and exposed dirt shall be loamed and seeded; and
·       As soon as practical after demolition, a DRB approved fence and landscaping shall be installed along the perimeter of the site.  
She noted that schematic review with the SRA starts on August 22nd.

Ms. Guy read letters from:
·       Barbara Cleary, Historic Salem, Inc. - In opposition until replacement building has been approved
·       Richard & Diane Pabich - In favor
·       Rinus Oosthoek, Chamber of Commerce - In favor
·       Ward 6 City Councillor, Paul Prevey - In favor
·       Councillor-at-Large Joan Lovely - In favor

Shirley Walker of Derby Lofts stated that she has lived here 1 ½ years.  She stated that she has the same concerns as Councillor Prevey, regarding crime and fire.  She stated that she felt the building should be marked with a big red “X”.  She stated that the sooner the owners can begin the environmental, the better – to level the building and get on with the environmental cleanup .  She added that mitigation should consider Artist Row so that the business can continue without disruption.

Gary LaParl of sass:C in Artist Row stated that the artists in Artist Row are concerned about the timing.  He stated that they are in support of the building coming down.  He was concerned about the timing and was concerned about vermin escaping during demolition.  He suggested waiting until after November 4, when Artist Row is closed.

Elise Mankes stated that she was also concerned about the timing of work happening before October.   She stated that October is the season that they count on financially and that if it would be a financial struggle if there is traffic or if entrances are blocked by scaffolding.

City Councillor Jean Pelletier stated that demolition usually begins with the interior and then exterior demolition is usually just a matter of days.  He stated that he was willing to work with the Health Department and other city departments to ensure the environmental and vermin issues are addressed.  He stated that he understood that this is one of the oldest wood frame buildings in the downtown, but noted that it has been vacant 12 years, that there are no sills left and that it is a safety concern as stated by the Fire Chief.  He noted there will be plenty of time for public comment on design before the SRA, DRB and Planning Board.  He stated that to enforce the delay could delay the project to mid-January and that construction and test borings cannot be done in the Winter.  He requested that the Commission approve the waiver for this project which could be the centerpiece for the downtown area.

Ms. Herbert asked the timetable for demolition and if it would be done prior to November 4th.

Atty. Quinn stated that they have gotten Salem Redevelopment Authority for the demolition.  With the Commission’s waiver, the demolition will happen promptly.  He stated that they will work with the Health Department, Building Inspector and tenants next door to make sure they are doing everything they can to protect them while they are doing the work.  He stated that they think they wil complete the demolition by the end of October so they can get far enough along before Winter.  He added that there will be minimal scaffolding.

Ms. Herbert asked if the demolition could be done prior to October 1st.

Mr. Schnip stated that it is feasible and felt they could do it prior to the main portion of the October rush.

Mr. Hart asked what the steps were for permits and board approvals.  He stated that the Commission has an obligation not to just tear down a historic building because we are told we will get a better building.  He noted that it is in a National Register district.  He added that he can see the deterioration, but as an architect he has seen buildings saved in worse condition if enough funds are used.  He encouraged the developer to hire a structural engineer to verify that it is structurally unstable.  He added that the clock started two weeks ago and that the Commission could vote for the waiver at any time within the six months.

Atty. Quinn stated that they will be meeting with the SRA and DRB simultaneously with the Planning Board, and that these are the only municipal approvals needed besides a building permit.  He stated that the Planning Board is usually no less than three meetings and that the City Planner, Lynn Duncan, has indicated she is willing to expedite the meetings to get municipal approvals this fall.  They are trying to get permitting and demolition done in 2007 as well as start site work and hazardous testing when the building is out of the way.  They would like to make progress this year so they can expedite construction in the spring.

Mr. Schnip stated that any delay will have a ripple effect.  He stated that they will spearhead issues beforehand, such as rodents, noise and traffic.  He noted that a delay now could result in demolition work occurring during next year’s marketplace season.

Ms. Bellin asked what the corner will look like during October and if there will be any effort to retain and preserve the tin ceilings.

Atty. Quinn stated that if the tin ceilings are reusable, they will make every effort to reuse them.

Mr. Schnip stated that they are willing to document the building photographically and survey for anything that is usable.  He noted that the DRB will approve fencing as soon as practicable after demolition.

Ms. Guy noted that previously the Peabody Essex Museum had an interest in the tin ceilings and suggested that they be contacted if the ceilings are not to be reused in the new building.

Mr. Hart stated that the purpose of the waiver is to allow the proponent to try to incorporate the existing building in the existing plan or to demonstrate is not feasible to do so.  He stated that the Commission has an obligation to have RCG prove the building can’t be incorporated into the design.

Ms. Herbert stated that at the site visit she saw the poor condition of the buildings, particularly behind the building.  She noted that the center building, which is being kept, has a lot of the original features.  She noted that the corner building has been bastardized and would have to be rebuilt, which is not economically feasible.  She suggested that the corbels (roofe brackets) be incorporated into the new design or moved from the building being demolished to replace those reproductions on the main building.  She also suggested a whitewashed wooden fence with signage to describe the project.  She added the suggestion to provide parking during October.

Mr. Hart agreed that there was very little original material to save on the façade, but there was an obligation to prove it to us.

Paul Prentiville stated that he was a civil engineer and stated that an empty lot will be a vast improvement over the current eyesore.

Atty. Quinn stated that given the Fire, Police and Building Department’s public safety concerns, as well as community support, he felt a waiver should be granted.  He questioned what would happen during a delay that would enhance the project.

Ms. Herbert stated that she felt the time to try to design something sympathetic to what was there is during the DRB process.

Ms. Guy re-read the letters from the Fire Chief and the Building Commissioner received at the last meeting.

Mr. Hart stated that he was still of the opinion that the developer should come back to prove the building cannot be saved and rehabbed and to show what will be seen in the interim.

Atty. Quinn stated that whatever is seen in the interim must be approved by the SRA and DRB, but that they would be willing to show it to the Commission for comment.

Ms. Bellin asked what a 3 week delay would do.

Atty. Quinn stated that nothing productive could be done in 3 weeks and that they would have the same arguments.  He noted that it was possible to have a fence design.

Ms. Bellin asked what would be done in 3 weeks if the waiver was approved.

Atty. Quinn replied that they would marshall their forces to begin demolition.

Mr. Schnip stated that the utilities are a major cost, so they do not want to start without having the waiver.  He stated that he had no problem with trying to get a fence approved quickly through the DRB.

Councillor Pelletier stated that the application is about the historics of the building, not what the fence will look like.  He stated that he did not agree with the suggestion to hire an engineer.  He stated that the Commission has a responsibility to the residents and businesses.  He added that he did not want this to become another Sutton Avenue where the demolition goes through by right, but no prior agreements are negotiated.

Atty. Quinn stated that a three week delay will impact more on the marketplace, if the desire is to get the demolition done before October.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve a waiver of the Demolition Delay Ordinance with the caveat that photographs be taken inside and out, that the Peabody Essex Museum be contacted to see if they have an interested in the tin ceilings, that the corbels be salvaged and reused, that the owner work diligently on a fence design and that signage for the October season be encouraged.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion.  Ms. Herbert, Ms. Bellin, Mr. Desrocher and Ms. Diozzi voted in favor.  Mr. Hart voted in opposition.  The motion so carried.  

23 Winter Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Harry and Francoise McCoy submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to relocate fencing and to add a fence/gate.  

Ms. Guy stated that the applicants have requested another continuance.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

310 Essex Street

The City of Salem submitted an application for a Certificate of Hardship for the alteration of the rear entrance at 310 Essex Street for handicapped access, for the installation of gutters and downspouts and the construction of a wall.  Present was Ryan Hayward of Goba Architects and Elizabeth Seater from the Witch House.  Drawings of the proposal were distributed.

Mr. Hayward stated that much of the rise will be accomplished with grading and that the path will be concrete with aggregate so that it looks like a pebble finish.  There will be a field stone wall to retain soil, guide walkers and offer seating.  He noted that the Rose & Finch report suggested a V-shaped wood gutter with black iron nails.  There will be an aluminum gutter inside.  The transfer elbow will be lead or copper, painted, and the leader will be aluminum.

Ms. Bellin stated that she had issues with using lead.

Mr. Hayward stated that it is up too high to be a safety concern.

Mr. Hart asked the door age.

Mr. Hayward replied that it was installed in the 1940s.

Ms. Seater stated that it is Colonial Revival and there is no construction earlier than the 1940s that is being altered.

Mr. Hayward stated that the wall will appear dry stacked but will be mortared in the middle.

Mr. Hart asked about the interior doors.

Ms. Seater stated that they are also Colonial Revival, not original.

Marshall Strauss, 10 Chestnut Street, stated that he has a pile of field stone on his property that he will not be using.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

10 Chestnut St.

Elaine Gerdine and Marshall Strauss presented an application for  a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove a wooden fence in the front and side of the main house, to remove the fence posts on either side of the front entrance and to alter the material for the side porch to match the nearby porch.  

Mr. Strauss stated that the kids in the neighborhood have been slowly taking down the spindle fence.  They want to remove the fence and posts and install plantings for now.  They want to take the time to rethink the design of a new metal fence similar to what is existing on site.

Ms. Herbert asked if they have both of the wooden fence post urns.

Ms. Gerdine stated that they only have one, but have stone urns in the basement.  She added that they were told by Louis Mangifesti that the wooden urns have not been there long.

Ms. Herbert asked if the Peabody Essex Museum library might have photographic documentation of what was there.

Ms. Gerdine stated that she went there and did not find any photos, but will recheck.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to remove the fence and posts as proposed.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Strauss stated that the orientation for the granite step needs to change for the rear exist and provided a drawing.

Ms. Herbert confirmed that they are proposing to step off the side instead of the front.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve the granite step change per the drawing submitted.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

4 & 6 Andover Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Joel Caron and Jeff Nicholas submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for fence replacement.  The applicants were not present.

Ms. Guy noted that the Commission needs to act because she has not received a written waiver from the applicant for the requirement to act within 60 days.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to deny without prejudice.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Herbert stated that she has received a telephone complaint that the owners of 20 Chestnut Street have built the fence post on the neighbor’s property.  Ms. Guy provided a draft letter inviting Mr. Schooley to come to the next meeting.  Ms. Bellin made a motion to send the letter.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy stated that the Department of Planning & Community Development is looking for two Commission volunteers to serve on a working group for a Neighborhood Architectural Conservation District Study.  The group will meet, likely monthly, from now until June, 2008.  Initially, the volunteers will need to review 3 consultant proposals that have been received.  Proposal review needs to be complete by August 22.  Ms. Herbert and Mr. Hart volunteered to serve on the working group.

Ms. Guy provided the Commission with copies of the letter sent by Lynn Duncan to Massachusetts Historical Commission regarding the Salem Trial Courts Memorandum of Agreement.

There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Spang seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission